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Essentials supports multiple homes by default, but only to people with the correct permissions.
There are a number of options you may want to configure to control the number of homes available to different players.

Config File

With Essentials, you can allow players on your server the ability to set multiple homes. You edit the options in the config.yml file by adding permission nodes that you use in your permissions plugin.

To set multiple homes, you will need to give players the following permission nodes:

Players with those permission nodes are able to set the default number of homes, which you can configure in the config.yml file also.

To grant the ability to have more than the default number of homes, you need to 'create' permission nodes. To do this, you will need to go to the area in the config.yml file named "sethome-multiple". Below is the default sethome-multiple configuration.


  default: 3
  vip: 5
  # essentials.sethome.multiple.staff
  staff: 10

The lines with a # in front of them are comments. This isn't necessary but it is advised that you put them. These comments show what the permission nodes are for the existing sethome-multiple 'sets' that are already defined.

Players with the permission essentials.sethome and essentials.sethome.multiple will be able to set 3 homes, which is the default value.
Players with the permission essentials.sethome, essentials.sethome.multiple and will be able to set 5 homes, which is defined in the config as above.
Players with the permission essentials.sethome, essentials.sethome.multiple and essentials.sethome.multiple.staff will be able to set 10 homes, which is defined in the config as above.

To add your own sethome-multiple 'sets', you can just copy the line that has the name of the 'set' and paste it underneath what already exists. Make sure that it is all aligned and that you do not use tabs. For example, for a 'set' called "regulars", you would put:

  # essentials.sethome.multiple.staff
  staff: 10
  # essentials.sethome.multiple.regulars
  regulars: [Number of homes they can set]

Adding 'sets' will create a new permission nodes that you use in your permission file. You would put essentials.sethome.multiple.[Set Name] after essentials.sethome.multiple so that the players can set that number of homes.

Another permission node that you could use for certain players on the server is essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited, which allows players to set as many homes as they want.